Ways Stay Healthy ALL Year

#stay healty #vitamins Mar 22, 2020

There is no cold and flu season

Our bodies can get sick ANY time of year- 

I believe the reason people tend to get sick more frequently in the winter months is:

A: More sugar is consumed between September and January 1st than all the other 8 months combined.

B: Less time spent outdoors(at least that is true in the colder climates)

C: Less fresh air.  Even in warmer climates, windows are closed more frequently

D: Lack of Vitamin D

E: Poor overall diet leading to an unhealthy GUT MICROBIOME and LEAKY GUT.

I know I have spoken about Vitamin D before but I can't help to harp on it again here.   If you live in places with lots of sunshine, Vitamin D is still an ESSENTIAL nutrient your body needs.  Something else to consider even if you live in sunnier areas: if your GUT MICROBIOME is unhealthy and/or you have a leaky gut, you won't absorb the nutrients as well as you should leaving you deficient in vital nutrients.

Many of you may not have heard of "Leaky Gut".  What that means is that the tight junctions of the intestinal tract have "loosened up" allowing bacteria, viruses, pathogens, proteins and other undigested "foods and stuff" to enter into the body via the blood stream.

This can lead to a whole host of health conditions including Autoimmune conditions, Allergies, Chronic Sinusitis, Susceptibility to colds and flu's and MORE.

Some symptoms associated with Leaky Gut are:

  • chronic diarrhea, constipation, or bloating.
  • nutritional deficiencies.
  • fatigue.
  • headaches.
  • confusion.
  • difficulty concentrating.
  • skin problems, such as acne, rashes, or eczema.
  • joint pain.

So what can you do to help your gut and your overall health to be well 365 days a year?

1) Vitamin D

2) Omega 3 Fatty Acids

3) Prebiotics (lots of FIBER, Chia and Flax)

4) Probiotics

5) Following a clean food eating plan

6) Antioxidants like Quercitin and Trisomal Glutathione,  Vitamin C,  Resveratin, NAC, L-Glutamine

7) Drink LOTS of water (half your body weight in ounces everyday, more if you are exercising)

8) Regular Execise upregulates the immune system

9) Adequate sleep

10) Stress Reduction

Now this is a general recommendation and not in any way shape or form to be used to treat disease.  The best way to know what and how much you should take of these  foods is to be tested for YOUR levels. And of course there are different forms of probiotics for different health conditions as well as the antioxidants.  

Quality is just as important as well.  Remember, you get what you pay for.  I have seen so many people in my practice taking things like Vitamin D,  Omega(Fish oil), a multi vitamin and STILL be deficient due to the type and brand they are taking.

With my patients I use a couple different "pharmaceutical grade" supplement companies . What that means is that they have been triple tested by outside organizations for their content and quality.  They can only be purchased with my recommendations.

So for those of you not utilizing Functional Medicine, a quality company you can trust is Designs for Health.  You can buy their products here: http://drmistysenz.ehealthpro.com/  and know you are getting what you are buying.  There are a few products on Amazon from Designs for Health but you will pay more there than on the private estore site.  Just create your account with your own password and you are good to go.

Stay Healthy My Friends

Dr Misty

Any recommendations/consultations with respect to nutritional health, diet, supplementation or detoxification is done exclusively for educational and information purposes and is for non-diagnostic purposes and general guidelines only. The determination to take or withdraw from any medical intervention resides within the legislative authority of physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners. We support the distribution of current research and information relating to all topics and likewise encourage patients and clients to make informed health care decisions having researched and understood all balanced and accurate information to which those decisions pertain. In every case, please consult your medical physician regarding any changes you make to your medical regimen, as doing so without consultation or supervision by a qualified practitioner may be dangerous.


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