What is Functional Medicine?

#functionalmedicine #healnaturally Apr 07, 2020

The functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness.

Functional medicine practitioners incorporate modalities such as  epigenetics, nutrigenomics, which looks at an individual’s interaction between nutrients and their genes, stress reduction techniques, fitness and looking at BioMarkers to optimize function.


Chronic disease is at an all time high. Even with all the advances in medicine heart disease is STILL the #1 cause of death in the US. Over 50 MILLION people suffer with and Autoimmune Condition and over 100 MILLION people are diabetic or "pre-diabetic".

Conventional Medicine offers palliative measures with no real solutions to YOUR health. Drugs and surgery are not making us any healthier.

Functional Medicine, or what I like to call Functional Wellness, is all about getting to the underlying cause of health conditions. When you dig deep and address Physiology, Biomarkers of Physiology, Lifestyle, Nutrition, and Stress, ultimately the person gets well.

Stay Healthy My Friend

Dr Misty



Any recommendations/consultations with respect to nutritional health, diet, supplementation or detoxification is done exclusively for educational and information purposes and is for non-diagnostic purposes and general guidelines only. The determination to take or withdraw from any medical intervention resides within the legislative authority of physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners. We support the distribution of current research and information relating to all topics and likewise encourage patients and clients to make informed health care decisions having researched and understood all balanced and accurate information to which those decisions pertain. In every case, please consult your medical physician regarding any changes you make to your medical regimen, as doing so without consultation or supervision by a qualified practitioner may be dangerous.


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