Zucchini Lasagna

#dinner #glutenfree #glutenfreelasagna #lasagna #vegetarian Mar 07, 2021

Easy prep ahead dinner that is lower in carbs and gluten free!


1 pound lean ground turkey browned, drained, then season with parsley, garlic powder, Italian seasoning and 1/2 cup tomato sauce

1 Quart Low sugar tomato or Marinara.  I use Little Italy Marinara Sauce, a local Cleveland company.  Just make sure it has 5 grams of added sugar or LESS per serving. Use 1/2 cup of this in the meat and the rest for the lasagna.

2 large zucchini sliced thin and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

15 ounce tub of 1% organic ricotta cheese or an alternative to ricotta if you cant have dairy

1 egg

1/3 cup Bragg's nutritional yeast

Parsley, garlic powder, Italian seasoning.

Place the above 4 ingredients in a bowl and mix.

Prep a large glass dish with a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of pan, then layer strips of the zucchini down to cover bottom of pan. Top with some of the ground turkey, place a layer of zucchini strips over turkey and cover with some of the ricotta mixture.  Alternate this process until all the meat and ricotta gone.  Top with remaining Marinara Sauce and sprinkle with a small handful of organic mozzerella cheese or omit this if you cant have cheese and sprinkle with additional Braggs Nutritional Yeast.

Cover and cook at 350 until bubbly and warmed through out.

Meat Layer                                                               Ricotta Layer


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