
Taking the first step to a healthier and more fit you can be difficult.

If you feel like you have been trying to eat better, move better and have more energy for years with no results then this is the place.   
I'm Dr Misty.  Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Certified Functional Nutritionist, Certified Functional Bloodwork Specialist, and Fitness Trainer.
I love to help women restore their health with holistic approaches to support healthy Hormones, Thyroid, Adrenals, Brain and Gut Function. 
Join my FREE, private FB group Simple Solutions with Dr. Misty.  A holistic health resource for women.
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A little back story...

Hey Friend-Welcome 

I started out in the health and fitness world way back in 1992.  I had graduated with a Bachelors in Exercise Science with a pre-professional degree focus. I was training clients in the gym along with working as a Lab Tech in a private medical practice-biding time until I went to Medical School.

Then my life changed.

I became very sick and no doctors could figure out what was wrong.  I was overmedicated and very frustrated with the "Medical" world.

My recovery and how I was able to heal my body is why I am here today.


From Despair to Repair

I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at 24 and Hashimoto's at 35, after the birth of my second child.

No one ever spoke to me about why I was sick or how I could help my thyroid heal. 

I was given medication and told I would have to live with it for the rest of my life.

Meanwhile, I continued to feel depressed, constantly fatigued, gaining weight despite working out all the time and eating "healthy". 

I had no energy and my blood work looked like I could have a heart attack any minute...I couldn't take it any longer,

I took my health into my own hands.

Putting my education as a Chiropractic Physician and Functional Medicine Practitioner to the test, I designed a program utilizing the Core Root Cause Healing Modalities- Functional Nutrition, Functional Fitness, Functional Habits, and Nervous System Regulation.

How I pulled my self out of chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, and loss of enjoyment in life to reverse my chronic illness is what brings me here to help you today. 

You CAN improve your health, even overcome Autoimmune Disorders, utilizing holistic principles.

I am medication free, my thyroid is functioning as it should(all my hormone numbers are in the functional healthy range, and the  Autoimmune Antibodies are the lowest they have EVER been in 18 years!

I would love to help you do the same.

Want to know WHY your doctor keeps brushing you off? Click here: What's Causing My Symptoms?

If you struggle with losing weight, fatigue, loss of energy, inability to "get in shape", or just plain want to feel better and you are sick of being told your bloodwork is "fine" but you don't feel fine.  Book a 30 Minute Virtual Functional Medicine consult including  health history, all necessary bloodwork,  and a review of bloodwork  with me today for ONLY $597  Book Now


""Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food""


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